Iowa Shrewsbury’s Sun Bonnet and Dress Apron

By Sandra and Neil Brandt

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These wonderful family heirlooms, a sun bonnet and a dress apron, belonged to Iowa (Maxey) Shrewsbury (1853-1924), wife of Philip T. Shrewsbury (1851-1922). They were carefully stored and preserved by daughter Rhoda (Shrewsbury) Gerrie and, subsequently, by granddaughter Rhoda (Shrewsbury) DeRosa. In keeping with his mother's instructions that the two heirlooms should be handed down from generation to generation through female members of the family, Dean DeRosa presented the bonnet and apron to great-granddaughters Sandra (Look) Brandt and Sherry (Look) Stebing for continued safekeeping within the Shrewsbury Family.

White Lawn Sun Bonnet

“Lawn” is the type of fabric from which the bonnet is made. It is a very light weight, sheer cloth with a bit of a silky feel. The trim of the bonnet is factory-made. The style is probably a “Slat Bonnet”. There are four ties to the bonnet. One pair of ties is for the back, and the other pair is for the front. The brim is quilted to help make it stiff.

White Lawn Dress Apron

This is a full-length apron. It has a hand-crocheted edging. The pattern is “Filet” with a double crochet stitch and clusters. A very fine thread was used – at least 30. One of the ties has a piece added. Nothing was wasted in days gone by!

More Information

Want more information about Iowa Shrewsbury’s bonnet and apron, or to view the heirlooms in person? Please contact Sandy Brandt or Sherry Stebing.

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